Ever since the Middle Ages at least, leather has been a coveted product. In the past it had mainly been used for apparel, bags and shoes, while today it is furthermore demanded by the automotive and furniture sectors. Hardly any other material equals leather in durability and value while offering multifarious applications.
At Abdeckerei Schmid, we gain hides in a sustainable way and with a view to animal welfare. We restrict processing to calves and cattle deceased by natural death, thus making good use of a valuable resource instead of discarding it.
Production of rawhides is the main area of our service. However, at request of our clients we are ready to take over the marketing as well.
The crucial part of the process – skinning – is performed with uppermost diligence and precision. We take a pride in marketing an outstanding quality of leather free from kerf cuts and other cuts. Our proficiency in processing and maintaining optimal rawhide thickness and form is based on many years of experience.
Superior rawhide obtained thanks to flaying using compressed air machines
Our staff excel in their work, combining sheer muscular power and extraordinary dexterity and sensitivity. Aiming to avoid kerf cuts and other cuts, knives are hardly used for skinning. Instead, calf hides are separated from meat employing specialized pneumatic devices. Afterwards they are stored under salt for two weeks. Finally, the salted hides are delivered to Italy by trucks. In Italy, they are classified by our selection team and then sold to tanneries.
By virtue of longstanding experience and cooperation with selected partners we guarantee rawhide of pure sort and impeccable provenance. Notably, the much sought-after and thicker cow hide from southern Germany ends up in our processing.
Heart and hands committed to leather
Ever since the year 2000, we commit ourselves to rawhide generation at the highest level. We have also recently become our own transport company and drive our tours with our own lorries.
Our staff members operate on the following sites:
- Wiggensbach, Central Office and Administration
- Kraftisried, production
- St. Erasmus, production
- Rivenich, production
- Walsdorf, production
- Malchin, production
- Genthin, production
- Plattling, production
- Lünen, production
- Santa Croce, Region Pisa, Italien classification and product delivery
High quality of work is essential to us, no less than familiar collaboration at the workplace and with customers. A lived down-to-earth approach, honesty and humor is what we stand for.
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